Words from a PT Jetsetter
"Who ever said learning can't be fun?"
- Kristen Yanez 2015
We like to ask our clients why they selected our company for their continuing education. In this case co owner Randal Glaser interviews PT Kristen Yanez.
RG: Glad you decided to sign up for this class! What made you choose Jetset Education's TMJ class?
KY: I signed up for the TMJ class for several reasons. I wanted a refresher course on TMJ dysfunction to brush up on treatment techniques and interventions. I have heard Nancy lecture on TMJ in the past, and found the material to be very useful and applicable to my current setting, so after hearing she was teaching the course I signed up. I am always looking for courses in different locations- and often try to make a little get away out of them. I feel the Jet Set rehab team has found the perfect way to combine- a great con-ed course in a fun location. Who ever said learning can't be fun?
RG: Which package did you choose?
KY: I choose the Vegas show package. I am currently 6.5 months pregnant and was pleased to see the different options available to fit the class participant's needs and interests. I also am a Beetles fan, so I am very excited to see "Love"- Mirage's Beatle themed cirque du soleil show.
RG: What about TMJ did you want to learn more about?
KY: I would like to learn about any new interventions or different ways to successfully manage and treat this population.
RG: What do you expect to gain clinically?
KY: I expect to gain clinically differential diagnosing strategies- to better understand and identify different TMJ dysfunctions. This will allow me to be more confident in choosing the best treatment option for my patient.
RG: Do you think this will help you gain access to a different patient population?
KY: I do think this will help access a different patient population. I feel this course will give me the tool to not only better identify TMJ dysfunction, but more successfully manage these patients. Collaboration with outside professions such as Dentists will be easier with knowing the language and standard measurements for the jaw.
RG: Congrats on your new baby to be! See you in Las Vegas!
KY: See you there!