APTA Combined Sections Meeting: a Jetset Rehab Photo Journal.
I have gone to four combined sections meetings and this years was the most intense and the best one I have been to yet. I had the looming pressure of presenting a research project with Jay Bhatt, Andre Chavez, and Manny Yung on Tennis Elbow but getting the word out on Jetset Rehab Education was our main focus. We feel strongly in our product and are really excited about our classes this year.
A major difference I noticed in the PT landscape is the explosion of social media into the PT world, Student PTs were as well known as seasoned presenters and it was a joy to see.
Follow us on the links below!
During the conference I was snapping photos trying to capture our week in Anaheim for those who could not attend.
The Anaheim Convention Center
Our friends Marshall LeMoine and Mike Wong owners of the Clinical Pattern Recognition App presenting with Stephiana Bell to a packed house. The app is on sale now.
I got to meet up with Joe Donelly current mentor and former Professor from Georgia State (now at Mercer) and Stephen Morrison.
Preparing for our platform presentation.
For you Educators out there, the Clinical Pattern Recognition app has some great clinicians making it, Anne Lemoine is one of them. She is seen here educating some clinicians in the exhibit hall.
The PT conveyor belt. Every CSM seems to have this situation.
The building looked amazing. It allowed so much natural light inside that it didn't feel bad being inside all day.
Hope to see Bey at our next class in Vegas!
One of the highlights was meeting Andre Chavez (left) and Scot Morrison. These are some of the most thoughtful people I have met and just from one conversation I made a lot of changes in my research reading methods.
We recorded a podcast with Scot Morrison (pictured here)
Owner of Jetset Rehab Education Jay Bhatt (left) and Portland Jetset organizer Andre Chavez walk among the beautiful architecture of the Anaheim Convention Center. They are very stylish.
Sitting and waiting for the presentation to begin, a nervous moment for me. The water was great by the way.
Finally! The hours of research and studying have all led to this moment.
Afterwards our team (minus Manny Yung who was presenting in another room) take a moment to snap a photo. Left to Right: Andre Chavez, Randal Glaser, Jiten (Jay) Bhatt. Now I can relax.
The classroom before the ICF guidelines for Lateral Epicondylitis lecture. I have to say, the classrooms were really nice looking.
The alumni banquet Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Kaiser Permanente Ortho Residency. Special Thanks to Jason Tonley for organizing this.
Happy hour was busy. PTs were definitely taking advantage of the day off from the clinic.
Everywhere we looked people were networking and meeting old friends. This, in my opinion, is where our profession gets inspired to get better.
The weather was fantastic!
Exhibit hall randomness.
Exhibit hall randomness.
Left to Right: Brandan King, Andre Chavez, Stephen Morrison.
Me hanging with friends: Lilian, Maiko Moritani and Tetsuya Kunihiro who traveled all the way from Japan!
Left to Right: Andre Chavez, Zac Benson, and Jiten (Jay) Bhatt.
I always see Shirley Sahrmann and Joe Godges if I have the chance. On this occasion, they presented together along with Paula Ludewig and Barbara Norton.
I love this photo because it has me with three of my most influential mentors: Left to Right: Me, Randal Glaser, Clare Frank, Tracey Wagner and Mr. Jiten (Jay) Bhatt.
Finally back home where my 2 year old son colored all over my research papers :) and thus putting closure on a great week!