The Role of the Kinetic Chain in the Rotationally challenged patient - Evaluation and Treatment.

The Role of the Kinetic Chain in the Rotationally challenged patient - Evaluation and Treatment.
The nervous system establishes programs that control human locomotion, that includes posture and movement. This critical “motor control” is largely established during the first years of life in involved with every component of the movement system (i.e. muscles, joints, nerves and, & soft tissue). This 2-day class will focus on assessment and management strategies of rotational injuries and their rehabilitation in patients across the spectrum of care.
Discuss and demonstrate in-depth understanding of rotational injuries.
Demonstrate the functional evaluation of the kinetic chain as it pertains to rotational injuries,
Discuss and demonstrate the connections between upper and lower quarter in patients with rotational injuries,
Demonstrate the role developmental positions play with rotational injuries
Discuss and demonstrate the role of sensorimotor training in patients with rotational injuries.
Demonstrate an understanding of rehabilitation techniques and exercises for patients with rotational injuries,